norwegian club’s Friday Lunches resume feb 7

Friday Lunches are on a holiday break, re-opening Feb. 7. We hope to see you then! Come join the friendly group upstairs at the Scandinavian Centre, Fridays, between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m., on Fridays to have soup, sandwiches, coleslaw, dessert, and coffee, for $10.00/per person (pay cash at the door). All profits support programming at the Centre. If you’re planning on coming with a group of more than four people, however, please contact Janet at least 7 days in advance, at jac2@mymts.net

NCC AGM is Feb. 23, 2 pm

We will hold our Annual General Meeting at 2 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 23, upstairs at the Scandinavian Centre. Doors open at 1:45 p.m. After a short business meeting, we’ll adjourn for coffee and a presentation by language instructor Richard Castro on the whys and hows of learning Norwegian!

The meeting is open to all NCC members who have renewed for 2025 or to anyone who would like to renew or take out a *2025 membership at the AGM.

*Annual membership in the Scandinavian Cultural Centre runs for the calendar year. A membership is $50.00 for adults ($25.00 for ages 18-25), which allows you formal association with one club; additional clubs have a $5.00 per club add-on cost. You can be a member of as many clubs as you choose! Please see the home page of this website to find the ‘Become a Member’ button.

volunteer opportunities

The Norwegian Canadian Club seeks volunteers to serve in an informal ad hoc capacity. Portfolios include helping to plan monthly, annual and/or special events, like Folklorama, and helping with communications and/or archives. Volunteering with the NCC is a fun way to learn more about Norwegian history and culture, both in Winnipeg and in Norway, and meet like-minded folks.

For more information, please contact Martha at NorwegianCanadianClub@gmail.com

coming special events:

  • March 9: Wear-Your-Sweater-To-Brunch Sunday Brunch

  • Bingo in Norwegian - TBA

Norwegian Language Classes

Instructor Richard Castro is offering Norwegian language classes. For more information, email Janet at jac2@mymts.net or call 204-889-2714.



The NCC was founded in 1985. It was preceded by other Norwegian cultural organizations in Winnipeg which date back to 1912. Our membership is open to all. Some members are natives of Norway, claim Norwegian ancestry or have married into the culture, while others are simply interested in learning about Nordic life. We promote mutual interest in Norway and support of its language, food, and culture, to the community Winnipeg and environs.

The Norwegian Club meets the last Thursday of the month at 7:30 p.m., either for an executive meeting or for a general program on cultural topics, called Kosi Kveld. During the cold, dark winter months, we may switch in-person cultural activities to Sunday afternoons, as scheduling allows.


In May, the NCC hosts Syttende Mai celebrations, the annual Norwegian Constitution Day on May 17th. We have celebrated Syttende Mai on May 17th since 1912. The event features music, a children’s dance performance and traditional food, like lefse-wrapped hotdogs!

Our club hosts an annual Lutefisk Dinner every November. While many prove their might by actually eating lutefisk, we also have Norwegian meatballs for those who prefer a different taste. A live performance by some of our club members is always a great treat and the songs never fail to ring out through the main hall at the Centre.

In January, when possible, the NCC hosts a version of Juletrefest the traditional Norwegian celebration of singing Christmas songs around the tree.

The NCC participates in the main events of the Scandinavian Cultural Centre, including the The Viking Feast, the Annual Christmas Market and Café, the Children’s Christmas Party, and Folklorama.

Koselig Kveld’ - The Norwegian Club has embraced a new name to reflect a change to its evolving monthly meetings, from strictly business to a social/educational time for club members and guests. The name “Koselig Kveld,” as created by Randi Tollefsen, translates into “nice evening,” but “nice” in the sense of happy-to-be-here-with-you. The dictionary says koselig (KOOS-uh-lee) means “cozy,” but the word really expresses a deeper concept in Norway. As of February 2019, the NCC meetings will become Koselig Kveld (KOOS-uh-leek-vell) to more accurately reflect the nice evening all of us most certainly will have by getting together for fun as we also work together as club to support the Centre and promote our ties to or interest in Norway.    


President:  Martha Helgerson
Vice President: Lanny Knutson
Secretary: Elaine Lochhead
Treasurer: Marj Grevstad

General Inquiries: NorwegianCanadianClub@gmail.com